The Top 4 Benefits of In-Home Hearing Aid Services

About 48 million Americans have some level of hearing loss that can negatively impact almost every aspect of life. Unfortunately, many of them do not receive proper treatment.
Professional hearing aid services can make a significant difference in people’s lives, especially for those who may have difficulty accessing traditional hearing healthcare. In-home hearing aid services provide convenience, comfort, privacy, and time for individuals and families.
Read on to find out the top four benefits of professional hearing services.
Professional hearing solutions
Many people will benefit from professional hearing solutions. About 28.8 million U.S. adults could benefit from using hearing aids, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD).
However, only 1 in 5 who would benefit from hearing aids actually use them. This means about 80% of Americans who need hearing aids are going without and suffering in silence.
In addition, hearing healthcare is not always the easiest to access. Luckily, there are trusted professional hearing aid services available that offer at-home hearing healthcare for added convenience and confidentiality.
Benefits of in-home hearing aid services
Here are four benefits of in-home hearing aid services.
Whether it’s mobility issues, lack of transportation, or something else, at-home hearing services can help millions of Americans needing quality hearing care at home.
Yes Hearing offers free hearing consultations, complete with proper fitting and follow-up. The convenience doubles or triples, even, when multiple members of your household are able to be present for the appointment.
Audiology tests can take a while. Being able to do them at home from the comfort of your living room could help you relax for the best results possible.
Also, when you are relaxed in your own environment, you will face fewer distractions so you can concentrate solely on the hearing tests.
At-home hearing healthcare means you don’t have to deal with crowded offices or long waits, because your appointment starts when they arrive at your home.
The experts come to your door. This is particularly helpful for those who might be reluctant to get hearing aids for whatever reason — you will receive a personal consultation in the privacy of your home.
Privacy can also make a world of difference for younger children or those with anxiety issues who will be much more relaxed in a familiar environment than in a crowded room surrounded by strangers and odd noises.
At home, you can also take the time to prepare and ask all your questions related to your tests, the results, the device, related care, and anything else. Too often, visits at the doctor’s office are rushed with doctors standing by the door, one foot already out and tapping, topped with a hand on the door handle.
When hearing professionals come to your home, you can rest assured that you have their full attention for the duration of the entire appointment.
Take advantage of these benefits today — don’t let your potential hearing problems worsen when help is readily available. Not to mention, hearing better has multiple benefits for your overall health, including physical, mental, social, and emotional.
Waiting to get help risks more than your ears
Some people may put off getting hearing aids, thinking, “My hearing is not that bad” or “I’m too young for hearing aids.” However, waiting to get help could risk more than your hearing.
Researchers have linked hearing loss to dementia. They found mild hearing loss doubled the risk of dementia and moderate hearing loss tripled the risk, while people with severe hearing impairment were five times more likely to develop dementia.
The study author, Frank Lin, Johns Hopkins expert, and director of the Cochlear Center for Hearing and Public Health, says, “Brain scans show us that hearing loss may contribute to a faster rate of atrophy in the brain.”
The effect of hearing loss is not just physical.
“Hearing loss also contributes to social isolation,” Lin says. “You may not want to be with people as much, and when you are you may not engage in conversation as much. These factors may contribute to dementia.”
Between the benefits of hearing aids and the risks of not getting the help you need, there is no reason to delay.
Improve hearing at any age
In-home hearing aid services offer many advantages for individuals and families. Yet some people still put off getting hearing aids, thinking, “My hearing is not that bad” or “I’m too young for hearing aids.”
But it is important to remember that hearing loss can affect anyone at any age, especially more now than ever with the rise of in-ear earbuds. Don’t let your potential hearing problems worsen when help is readily available. Not to mention, hearing better has multiple benefits for your overall health, including physical, mental, social, and emotional.
Consult with Yes Hearing today
Hearing is more than just one of the five senses — it is an integral part of your health that directly impacts your quality of life, as well as your family and community.
If you’ve been having issues with hearing, for both yourself and your loved ones, make sure you will continue to hear their voices telling you they love you.
Book a professional consultation today — Yes Hearing offers premium care at an affordable cost for everyone.
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